Chocolate Mint Mousse

What is it like?

- Rich

- Creamy 

- Chocolatey

Grasshopper mousse dairy free recipe


1 14 oz can coconut cream, solid only
2 tbsp cocoa
2 tbsp honey, or to taste
2 tsp creme de menthe
1 tsp mint extract

Remove the solids from the can and place in a small deep mixing bowl (glass ideally). If the solids are fairly hard you can whip them, but if they are runny (if your house is quite warm), place them in the fridge for 2 hours before whipping. Whip until soft peaks form, about 2 minutes.

Add the other ingredients and whip briefly. Taste and adjust flavors to your liking. Note that if you add too much liquid, the mousse will not set properly and you will end up with a thick drink instead of a mousse.